Thursday, September 30, 2010

Haven't updated in a while

It's been pretty ridiculous. I took a stab at 10nl two weeks ago and spiked up 5 buyins in an hour. Doing 43bb/100 was pretty awesome playing rush. I took the stab with 17 buyins, and had about 22, when I hit a 6bi downswing, then another 4bi downswing when I moved down to 5nl. This really wrecked my confidence. So I played .01/.02 and quickly had an 8 buyin upswing in about 2 hours. What else is new... people shoving 2nd pair no kicker, obviously chasing draws, obvious when they hit them. obvious when they hit anything. i played about 1400 hands at .01/.02, then shot back to 5nl. After two breakeven sessions I spiked a 5 bi uphike, and now I'm back around $170. I'll give 10nl another shot at 180... hopefully this time I break through. Its insane how much rake I've paid between switching to 5nl. About $325 in september vs about $45 in august.

However, the rakeback is super sexy. I'm so excited to move up and really crush with that type of return.

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